I have been thinking so much lately about my older sister. She is the most incredible woman, besides my own mother, that I know. She is beautiful, intelligent, funny, and most importantly, she is a mother herself. She was the most amazing pregnant lady and now she has her own daughter. I know that Olivea knows how great her mom is, even at a young age, because that is just how Abby is. Abby has a way of making everyone love her; she is so great with people and everyone is just drawn to her. She is so talented; she was a cheerleader in high school and in college. She is an amazing example to me of, "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!" Abby hasnt always had the easiest life, or the most enjoyable journey, but when I look back on her life, I am in awe of the woman she has become. She has made an incredible life for herself and her family.
The thing that I love most about Abby is her mothering talent! Ever since I can remember, she has had a special bond with children, especially babies. I have always been afraid of brand new babies, I like kids...like 5 years old. No diapers, no getting them dressed, no holding their neck so you dont hurt them. But Abby has an amazing talent and is the most extraordinary mother. Olivea is one lucky girl.
Here are a few picutres of Abby over the years....she is a hot mama!! I love you, Abby, more than I can put into words and I thank my Heavenly Father that you are my sister! And I love your baby!!!!