Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This year I was struggling with a costume, I didnt know what I wanted to be. I always have an idea in my head and then when Halloween comes and I put on the costume, I feel so stupid. Although everyone is dressed up, I still hate it. I had gone through a Wonder Woman costume, a school-girl, and then a cowgirl. I ended up being that and I felt ok about it. It was fun!

My friends and I went to the UVU dance on Friday. That was an experience; although I go to UVU and I love it, I try and stay away from the UVU dances. They are always a little on the risky side and not really what I want to be around, but my roommate convinced me to go. Otherwise, I would had stayed at home all night, I am so lame lately! (Now that I have a real job and come home tired!) We went to the dance and it was fun, I saw a lot of people that I knew; we had a good time!

Then on Saturday my other friends and I went to a Haunted House and a dance party in Provo. The Haunted House was so fun...I LOVE being scared!! The dance party was fun as well!


Matt and Erica said...

Cute Halloween costume! I love the blog!

Matt and Erica said...

Cute Halloween costume! I love that you have a blog! It makes it so easy to stay caught up with everyones busy life's